County Procedures 430-05-40-60-20
(Revised 09/01/2020 ML3587)
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Amended IM 5464
IM 5464
IM 5461
County Workers must:
- Complete the Affidavit for SNAP Employment and Training Registrants. The individual must sign the Affidavit for SNAP Employment and Training and a copy must be given to the individual and a copy placed in the case file. The worker must document in the case narrative that the individual was given a signed copy of the Affidavit for SNAP Employment and Training.
- Refer them to the NDWORKS program using the SNAP Employment and Training Program Referral.
- If a client volunteers in Cass or Burleigh County the worker will refer them to the NDWORKS program. If NDWORKS is serving their max clients and has a wait list, the client will then be referred to the BEST program. NDWORKS is the first referral option for all voluntary clients.
The county should complete the SNAP Employment and Training Program Referral and a copy must be given to the participant, and a copy placed in the case file. The worker must document in the case narrative that the individual was referred to NDWORKS and that a copy of the SNAP Employment and Training Program Referral was given to the participant.
Notify the NDWORKS case manager of the referral by emailing the signed SNAP Employment and Training Program Referral to them. The date the SNAP Employment and Training Program Referral was emailed to the NDWORKS case manager must be documented in the case narrative.
Notify the NDWORKS case manager if a participants SNAP case closes.